SALTON SEA The Salton Sea, found in the southeastern part of the Coachella Valley, has captured my imagination and is a continual source of inspiration. There are hundreds of ways to depict the experience of the Sea because of its fascinating dichotomy of beauty and rawness. The underlying geometry, the lumescent light, the shifting palette and the random landforms of the Sea resonate with me. As does its precarious future.
Salton Sea 38
48x48 inches
Mixed Media on canvas
Salton Sea 39
51.5x47 inches
Acrylic on panel
Salton Sea 55
40x40 inches
Mixed Media on canvas
Salton Sea 69
36x48 inches
Oil on canvas
Salton Sea 62
60x30 inches
Acrylic on canvas
Salton Sea 64
24x30 inches
Acrylic on canvas
Salton Sea 17
36x48 inches
Oil and Acrylic on canvas
Salton Sea 70
30x40 inches
Acrylic on canvas
Salton Sea 11
20x20 inches
Oil on canvas
Salton Sea 28
30x40 inches
Acrylic on canvas
Salton Sea 30
30x40 inches
Acrylic on canvas
Salton Sea 43
30x40 Inches
Mixed Media on canvas
Salton Sea 45 & 46
30x60 inches